Comparing SME and large business energy bills

Article posted

24th Jul 2024

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4-8 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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In the energy market, businesses of all sizes require reliable and cost-effective energy solutions to power their operations. However, the nature and scope of these requirements can vary significantly between large enterprises and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Understanding the differences between large energy contracts and those tailored for SMEs is crucial for businesses looking to optimise their energy procurement strategies.

Size and consumption

Large enterprises

  • High consumption - Large enterprises typically consume vast amounts of energy due to their extensive operations. This high consumption often spans multiple locations, manufacturing plants, data centres, or large office buildings.
  • Bulk purchasing - Due to their substantial energy needs, large businesses often engage in bulk purchasing. This allows them to negotiate better rates and more favourable contract terms with energy suppliers.



  • Moderate consumption - SMEs generally have lower energy consumption compared to large enterprises. Their energy needs are typically confined to a few office spaces or smaller production facilities.
  • Standard Contracts - SMEs usually engage in standard energy contracts that are less complex and tailored to meet their more modest energy requirements.


Contract complexity and negotiation

Large Enterprises

  • Custom contracts - Large enterprises often require highly customised contracts. These contracts can include various clauses related to energy supply guarantees, pricing structures, renewable energy sourcing, and more.
  • Intensive negotiation - The negotiation process for large energy contracts is typically more intensive, involving detailed discussions with multiple energy suppliers  to secure the best terms.



  • Simplified contracts - Energy contracts for SMEs are generally simpler and more straightforward. These contracts often use standard terms and conditions, making the procurement process quicker and easier.
  • Limited Negotiation - SMEs may have limited bargaining power compared to large enterprises. As a result, they might not engage in as extensive negotiations but can still shop around for competitive rates.


Pricing structures

Large enterprises

  • Flexible pricing - Large enterprises often benefit from flexible pricing structures, such as time-of-use rates, demand response programs, and fixed-price contracts with variable components. These structures help them manage costs based on their specific usage patterns.
  • Volume discounts - Due to their high consumption, large businesses can often secure volume discounts, reducing their overall energy costs.



  • Fixed pricing - SMEs typically prefer fixed pricing structures for predictability and ease of budgeting. Fixed-rate contracts provide stability in energy costs, helping smaller businesses manage their finances more effectively.
  • Fewer discounts - While SMEs may not have access to the same volume discounts as large enterprises, they can still benefit from competitive rates offered by energy suppliers targeting the SME market.


Renewable energy and sustainability

Large enterprises

  • Sustainability goals - Many large enterprises have ambitious sustainability goals and seek energy contracts that include significant renewable energy components. They may invest in direct renewable energy projects or purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs).
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -  Sustainability is often a key component of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, driving the demand for greener energy solutions.



  • Increasing interest - While historically SMEs have lagged behind in renewable energy adoption, there is a growing interest among smaller businesses to integrate sustainable practices.
  • Simpler Options - SMEs may opt for simpler, more accessible renewable energy solutions, such as green energy tariffs offered by their suppliers or small-scale solar installations.


Support and resources

Large enterprises

  • Dedicated teams - Large enterprises often have dedicated energy management teams or consultants who handle energy procurement, contract negotiations, and sustainability initiatives.
  • Advanced analytics -  They may use advanced analytics and energy management systems to monitor and optimise their energy usage continuously.



  • Limited resources - SMEs might not have the same level of resources or expertise dedicated to energy management. They often rely on external advisors or simplified tools provided by energy suppliers to manage their energy needs.
  • Supplier support - energy suppliers often offer tailored support and resources to help SMEs navigate their energy contracts and optimise their consumption.


Both large enterprises and SMEs require tailored energy contracts to meet their unique needs. While large enterprises benefit from the flexibility, customisability, and bargaining power associated with their substantial energy consumption, SMEs prioritise simplicity, predictability, and cost-effectiveness.

Understanding these differences helps businesses of all sizes make informed decisions in the energy market, ensuring they secure the best possible terms to power their operations efficiently and sustainably.

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