Why do we still need gas in the UK?

Article posted

13th Aug 2024

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4-8 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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As the world races towards a future powered by renewable energy, the UK is at the forefront of this vital transition. The nation's ambitious goals include achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and expanding its renewable energy capacity, particularly from wind and solar sources. However, a key element in ensuring a smooth transition to this cleaner future is often overlooked: natural gas.

While it may seem counterintuitive to advocate for the continued use of a fossil fuel in an era focused on decarbonisation, natural gas plays a crucial role in the UK's energy strategy. Here’s why gas is necessary to bridge the gap to a cleaner, more sustainable energy system.

Stability and reliability of energy supply

Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are inherently intermittent. Wind turbines don't generate electricity on calm days, and solar panels are less effective during cloudy weather or at night. The UK, with its variable climate, often faces these challenges.

Natural gas provides a reliable backup, ensuring that when renewable energy generation dips, the lights stay on. Gas-fired power plants can be ramped up or down quickly, offering a flexible and dependable energy supply that complements renewables.


Supporting grid balancing and flexibility

The UK's national grid must constantly balance supply and demand to prevent blackouts. As more renewable energy is integrated into the grid, this balancing act becomes more complex.

Natural gas, with its flexibility, is ideal for quickly responding to fluctuations in demand or supply. It helps to smooth out the variability of renewables, ensuring that energy supply remains stable and that the grid can adapt to the changing dynamics of electricity generation.


Enabling the phase-out of coal

Coal has long been the dirtiest of fossil fuels, contributing significantly to carbon emissions and air pollution. The UK has made substantial progress in phasing out coal-fired power plants, with plans to completely eliminate coal from the energy mix by 2024.

Natural gas has been instrumental in this effort, providing a less carbon-intensive alternative that can generate electricity at scale. This transition has already led to a significant reduction in the UK's greenhouse gas emissions.


Facilitating the development of hydrogen economy

Hydrogen is often touted as a potential clean energy carrier for the future. However, producing green hydrogen, which is made using renewable energy, is still in its infancy and requires further technological advancement and scale.

Currently, natural gas can be used to produce "blue hydrogen," where the carbon emissions are captured and stored, making it a less carbon-intensive option. As the hydrogen economy develops, gas infrastructure can be adapted and utilised, supporting the broader transition to green hydrogen.


Economic and employment considerations

The UK's energy sector is a significant contributor to the economy, providing jobs and driving innovation. A sudden move away from all fossil fuels could have a disruptive impact on the economy, leading to job losses and economic instability.

A more gradual transition, where natural gas continues to play a role, allows time for workers to retrain and for new industries to emerge. This measured approach ensures that the economic impact of the energy transition is managed carefully, maintaining public support for the broader shift to renewables.


Encouraging innovation and infrastructure development

The ongoing use of natural gas also incentivises the development of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technologies. CCUS can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of natural gas, making it a more viable option in the short to medium term.

Moreover, the existing gas infrastructure can be repurposed for future energy needs, such as transporting hydrogen or biogas, reducing the need for entirely new investments and facilitating a smoother transition.

The transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future is not a simple switch that can be flipped overnight. It requires careful planning, significant investment, and a balanced approach that considers both environmental goals and the practicalities of maintaining a stable energy supply. In the UK, natural gas plays a crucial bridging role in this transition, providing the reliability, flexibility, and economic stability needed to support the growth of renewable energy.

By acknowledging the importance of gas in the short term, the UK can continue to reduce its carbon emissions while ensuring that the path to a renewable future is both smooth and secure. The goal remains a fully decarbonised energy system, but natural gas will be essential in getting us there.

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