Resolve Energy News

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We strive to deliver
excellence in
service and support

Resolve Energy was founded in 2011 by a board of directors with more than 30 years’ experience behind them in the sector. The vision is to provide our clients with the very best service, empowering them with the knowledge and support to get the best possible deals tailored for their individual business energy needs.

Will there be blackouts this winter?

Will there be blackouts this winter?

As we are now well into the current winter, many are wondering about a potential energy crunch in the UK. Over the past few years blackouts have been something that the Electricity System Operator has warned about. With the UK still not out the clear completely with the energy crisis, many wonder weather potential blackouts will cause an issue. Although it is unlikely that we will see blackouts...

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Will the domestic price cap rise impact businesses?

Will the domestic price cap rise impact businesses?

The unprecedented rise in domestic energy prices, particularly in January, could also impact businesses as well as households. The relentless surge in energy costs over the past few years has been attributed to a complex interplay of factors, including supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and increased global demand. All these factors have left the market extremely volatile....

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Small businesses demand improvement in energy sector

Small businesses demand improvement in energy sector

As the energy crisis continues to bite, a growing number of businesses are calling for significant reforms in the energy sector to ensure a more sustainable and equitable distribution of energy resources. The crisis has disproportionately impacted on small businesses, many of which are struggling to cope with soaring energy costs. According to a recent survey, nearly 80% of small businesses...

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Finding the best energy supplier for small businesses

Finding the best energy supplier for small businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of energy providers, small businesses often face the daunting task of selecting the most suitable and cost-effective supplier to power their operations. With a myriad of options available, each offering varying tariffs, contract terms, and customer service packages, the decision-making process can be overwhelming. To simplify this process, it's crucial...

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Businesses Urged that Energy Market is still Volatile

Businesses Urged that Energy Market is still Volatile

The energy market has been experiencing a lot of volatility in recent months, with prices soaring to record highs last year. Although throughout 2023 prices have begun to settle it has still placed a significant burden on businesses, many of which are struggling to cope with the increased costs. As the situation continues to evolve, businesses are being urged to take steps to manage their...

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Why your business needs an energy consultant.

Why your business needs an energy consultant.

The Energy Ombudsman, an independent organization that resolves disputes between energy consumers and suppliers, has witnessed an alarming increase in complaints between April and June of this year. The sharp rise, amounting to a staggering 84% compared to the same period in 2022, highlights the growing frustration among consumers grappling with energy-related issues. Amidst the...

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